Casa Mencarelli

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5 things you need to know about Tomato Seed Oil

Tomato seed oil has become recently quite popular and has created quite a curiosity amongst those who religiously follow and use organic natural skincare but also amongst those who don’t. It is made from the leftovers of tomato sauce and juice, the remaining pomace is pressed to extract oil from the seeds.

It belongs to the family of Solanacee and in fact its Latin name is Solanum Lycopersicum.

So what is so special about this oil??

1.      It is full in antioxidants like beta-carotene and lycopene, flavonoids, amino acids, vitamin E, lecithin, phytosterols, and minerals like copper, iron and manganese. This means that it penetrates into the skin and supports its structure. It is really highly nourishing and emollient!

2.      It contains essential fatty acids as Linoleic Acid at 50-55% (omega 6) which is also the main constituent of the cell membranes and contributes to restore the skin barrier function, helping to regulate cell divisions, tissues flexibility and act as emollients, keeping the skin hydrated and soft. Irritated or acneic skin can benefit from topical application of the missing fatty acids.

3.      It contains Palmitic Acid at 25% which help to preserve the product and have a strong antioxidant effect on protecting the skin from free radicals; and Oleic Acid (omega 9) at about 15%, which has anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties.

4.      It offers a mild natural UV protection and it has the ability to repair sun damaged skin.

5.      It absorbs quickly and deeply into the skin layers, together with all the above mentioned nutrients, to nourish and condition the cells, without leaving it greasy.

In conclusion, this relatively new oil is packed with many skin nutrients so it is a very interesting one to try yourself!

Our Nourishing Tomato Cream & Cleanser contains a high % of cold pressed organic Tomato Seed oil, to make your skin feel and look beautiful.

Have you tried this oil on your skin? Let us know what you think!